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snacks & dips

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“The Zest Kitchen incorporates the best of all things zesty and fresh, putting the life back into your food, and giving you a zest for life. It also functions as a ‘test kitchen’, experimenting with colours, taste and textures to recreate kitchen classics.”


While some of our recipes are vegetarian, they can be adapted to be vegan. The Zest Kitchen is on a journey towards a more plant-based future. This is not always a linear path, and we do sometimes include dairy, eggs and honey in our recipes (for the sake of inclusion and to make the transition to a vegan diet a bit easier).

A plant-based lifestyle is about embracing foods and recipes that are predominantly made with fruit, vegetables, carbohydrates, nuts, legumes and the rest of mother nature’s gems. Of course, it ties into the vegan philosophy but it perhaps more focused on health and environmental concerns, as opposed to ethical issues.

The Zest Kitchen strives towards making recipes as plant-based as possible, recreating the colours, tastes and textures that you may associate with kitchen classics. As a plant-based / vegan diet is still relatively new in the grand scheme of things, it does require some experimentation in the kitchen. We invite you on this journey of discovery as we create delicious food that can be enjoyed with a guilt-free conscience.


As it stands, we are focusing on simple recipes and categories, such as ‘basics’, like fresh homemade bread – that can form the basis of many a meal. We also specialise in various vegan smoothie recipes, making use of fresh ingredients that offer nutrition, sustenance and the perfect way to start your day. Quick and easy salads, sandwiches and snacks round off our current categories and provide the perfect lunch or light dinner-time meal. As we experiment and progress, we’ll be adding more categories to our repertoire, so stay tuned for exciting things to come.

To make meal selection even easier, The Zest Kitchen rates all recipes according to a set of criteria - taste, presentation, ease, availability, versatility and nutrition. We then give it a mark out of ten so you have easy access to our most successful recipes. Now go and experiment for yourself… we’ll see you in the kitchen.